Thursday, 19 March 2020

Hear out the innovative research at ICTM 2020 platfrom!!!

Have you ever heard regarding natural zeolite???
Have you ever heard this raw material has outstanding properties and is free from side effects???

Here is our dynamic and insightful Speaker, Dr. Wilfried Dathe from Heck Bio-Pharma GmbH, Germany sharing his research on Cuban zeolite entitled as "Properties of natural Cuban zeolite and its oral and topical use in human medicine".

Don't miss out the great chance to hear out the innovative research that is to be discussed at "2nd Edition of International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies" held during September 28-30, 2020 at Paris, France.

Monday, 16 March 2020

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Join ICTM 2020!

Join “2nd Edition of International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies” during September 28-30, 2020 at Paris, France with the theme “Cure with Nature” for education, innovation and collaboration with Nations and Organizations all over the world.

To join us enroll at:

Any query???
Reach us at:+1 434 381 1007

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Meet our Honorable Keynote Speaker!!!

Have you ever talked with your organ? 
Have you ever tried to understand what they say? 
We are sure its absolutely No!!! 
Are you excited to learn?
2nd Edition of International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies”  feels proud to announce our Keynote Speaker Rosemarie Wagner-Tocariu is going to share the secret language of organs and the way they try to communicate with us...

Don't miss the chance to hear out the secrets during September 28-30, 2020 at Paris, France.